Friday, March 18, 2011

Terry Cloth Toilet Seat Cover

Does this just strike anybody else, immediately, as a really bad idea?  I mean, sure it is cushy for your tushy and protects your cheeks from the cold chill of night, is just a bad idea in my book.  And dipping it down into the bowl to put it on?  My mind is spinning with all of the atrocities.



Willem said...

At first look i thought it was someone`s underpants stuck in a toilet but then i looked closer lol

Must be quite a different experience...

Erika said...

Um, GROSS. That's all I have to say about that.

In Bondage said...

It takes a little bit to get it on right but it is worth it. No, they aren't gross at all. They look much better than a stained, old toilet seat which is cold to sit on. You wash them if they get soiled, like anything else.

Teresa said...

It is okay. You can get drain cleaning service near me to solve any drainage issues of your bath. You can worry-free use your bath. They have modern technology and hydraulic pumps to easily clean your drain pipe.

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