So, I'm rebelling. Here is my list for all to have and to hold.
Main Squeeze Hunka Hunka Burnin' Love candidates must receive a passing score of 70% of higher.
- People love him
- My head and heart don’t argue falling in love with him
- Reassures me/calms my fears
- Surprises me in thoughtful ways
- Lets me surprise/serve him
- Doesn’t flagrantly flirt with other girls
- Athletic – not just watching
- Ultimate Frisbee
- Softball
- Never any major transgressions
- Stable familial Relationships
- Doesn't accept phone numbers from other girls, let alone on a regular basis
- Introduces me to new things
- Physically Attractive
- Likes curvier women, but not “large” women
- Good eating habits
- Reads scriptures regularly
- Ice cream
- Let’s me cook for him
- Will cook with me
- Will clean with me
- Not itching to pop out children
- Loves travel
- Loves to try new things
- Kisses – soft, yet firm, not slimy
- Playful
- Bishop thinks he’s a good pick
- Doesn’t make me believe I’m crazy
- Entertaining in groups
- Makes me laugh
- Smiles when he sees me
- Gives me “the look”
- Comfortable with intimacy
- Intelligent
- Able to hold intellectual conversations
- Very devoted
- No wandering eyes
- Rock-solid testimony
- Excited about life
- Loves people
- Will tolerate my kitty just because I love her
- Can 100% confidently know he will never cheat
- Temple marriage – no other option
- Worthy priesthood holder
- Patient, patient, patient
- Understands women’s hormones are not understandable
- Never uses nicknames like “ball and chain”
- I don’t have to qualify anything about him to anyone
- Doesn’t carry around photos of ex’s
- Has guy friends, not just girls
- Good Job or good job potential
- Educated or plans therefore
- Communicates with me
- Complimentary languages of love
- Enjoys movies
- Realizes I will be his family and doesn’t ignore me for them
- Supportive of my career and happy for my success
- Passionate about music – hopefully some of mine
- Will see Broadway shows with me
- Dances or willing to learn with me
- Sense of reverence and awe for the world around us
- Can talk with me anytime, about anything
- Decisive
- Familiar with technology
- Handy around the house
- Handy around a car
- Gentleman, but not to the extreme
- Gets excited about something just because I am
- Inspire each other to better ourselves
- Strong work ethic
- Outgoing
- Confident
- Okay with my freakish organization habits
- Family members tease him and trash talk, but don’t have any real “dirt”
- Not secretive about outside communications (phone, e-mails, etc.)
- Supports my daily gym habit
- Knows how to budget
- No unsubstantiated excess debt
- Optimistic
- Spends time with me – just the two of us
- Wants to know about my life and excited to experience it
- Appreciates my sense of humor
- My friends/family members don’t have any red flags
- Lets me know I am beautiful/attractive
- Teases me, but knows the line
- Will tolerate shows I like that are ridiculous - Golden Girls is the first that comes to mind
- Proud of me, you know, wants to show me off
- Wants to work for me - thinks I am a prize to be won, not a second choice
- Tells me he loves me on a regular and frequent basis
- Self-control
- Tender-tempered
- Realistic expectations of child care/discipline
- Relatively clean/neat
- Good personal hygiene
- Not a whiner
- Good father potential
- Doesn't try to change me
- Appreciates my family and all the craziness we are
- Has goals in life
- Likes to snuggle
- Compliments others, but not more than he compliments me
- Not likely to get into a physical or verbal fight
- Willing to have a weekly date night
- Willing to spend time apart when we each need alone time
- Has activities and hobbies of his own
- Not scared of spiders and mice and other creepy crawlies
- Musically inclined or talented in some way
- Doesn't have to tell me how great he is
- Gracefully accepts the things in life we have no control over (like if I accidentally step on his toe)
- Healthy
- Hasn't kissed so many people he can't even begin to count them all (I've dated three people like this and they were all trouble)
- Recognizes me for the strong, spiritual daughter of God I am
- Good sense of style - dresses well or lets me dress him well:-)
- Let's me be independent when I need and dependent on him when I need
- I don't feel like I am settling in any way