What an interesting site! I've long heard the research that if you take the average composites of the people in an area, you will come up with a generally attractive physique. Based on these photos, true.
I then found myself perusing through these trying to see what nationality my face most matches. I came up with: Finnish, French, Welsh. What do you think? What nationalities do you think you most resemble?
I think probably Indian, Ethiopian and Chinese. Haha. I kid.
Mostly Italian, Swedish, with a bit of Russian and/or Finnish.
Kristie, I totally agree with your choices for you - I see it!
I don't look like anybody! :(
excuse me? where are other races?
like pure african, arab, berbers?
these 3 I remeber, I think there still some more but I can't remeber yet ...
There are other characteristics, not face shape, that are true to certain cultures, not countries, that define that region. For example, northern Italy-Czech Republic region gets its ancestry from Mesopotamia/Viking mix. The common features are more about the brow line to nose bridge and eye color, sometimes a defining chin, but not the face shape, which varies. While I understand you didn't come up with the face shapes proposed, it seems far-fetched to match a facial shape with a modern country. Also, Native American tribes each have defining characteristics (cheek bones, eyes, etc) that would be a good addition to the list.
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