Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Two Scandelous Scenarious

Last week was an amazing week except for one thing: our Marketing Team sent out a promotional e-mail with my name attached and a phone number to call in the case the individuals had questions.
The phone number lead to a directory of skanky hotlines.  Great.

Speaking of skanky...

The other week I had to go into the skanky store on my way to a performance to get some old-fashioned nylons.  I may have had the audacity to emerge into public with curlers in my hair. When I walked in the door an alarm went off.  As if I weren't feeling awkward enough.  Then, as I was checking out, I said to the cashier, "I apologize for my appearance, I'm on my way to a show." 

Hmm...I'm in a skanky store on my way to a "show."  Probably not the best thing to say...


Mena said...

Oh you crack me up! :) e

Bekah said...

I giggled out loud when I read this.