Thursday, December 1, 2011

Santa Vomit

Do you all like how it appears that Christmas has vomited all over my blog?

Oh yeah, it's that time of year:-)

BIG HUGE thanks to Melissa Singleton for being the raddest friend of the week.  What did she do to deserve these accolades?  I mentioned I loved her new blog banner and within 24 hours she had created six (!!!!!!) for me and e-mailed them my way.  I opened the e-mail towards the end of a horrendously long and stressful work day and boy was that like opening a box of smiles.  Love. that. girl.

Don't forget to go make a guess for the contest on this entry.

Santa and Coke - two of my favorites:-)

3 comments: said...

Even if you don't keep all the Christmas vomit on your blog after Christmas, I think you should keep your new picture/blog title banner. It is SOOO adorable!!

stephanie said...

I LOVE your new blog banner! Your friend did a great job.

Miss Megan said...

I third the love for the new blog banner. Melissa did a great job and you look gorgeous!