Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dreams: There's a Snake in my Bed

My lil sissy will be coming for a visit this week, so her presence in my dream is not unexpected.  The rest?  Oy.

I was on a mattress on the floor while my sis slept on my bed until she jumped out exclaiming, "There is a snake in the bed!" And there was.  Only it was a big, fat monstrous looking snake. He wasn't very long, but very calloused and scaly.

My kitty then jumped on the bed and I feared for her life as the snake kept striking at her.  Then, she clamped on to him in the area behind his throat so he could not strike and she held on and held on and held on until the snake was no longer moving.  I remember thinking that we'd better make sure it was dead and not just playing dead, but someone had already chopped its head off by the time I walked up to it to check.     


j said...

This is the sister that's getting married soon, right? Just saying...

Larissa said...

Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake. I don't even know what to say:-)

j said...

Hey! It's your subconscience. Not mine. :)

Elizabeth said...

You now have the opportunity to work as a detective. All you have to do is attend Gadget Epoint's murder mystery party, which is open to everyone interested. Those who enjoy CSI would undoubtedly want to be a detective, if not in real life, at least in a video game. Murder mystery parties