Friday, September 3, 2010

Live to Work

My friend Sandy had an inspirational post that made my mind wander.

I have never had the "live to work" kind of a job. My work is fulfilling enough and I will do whatever it takes to complete projects well, don't get me wrong, it is just that I can't think of anything I'd love to do so much that I would sacrifice my "play" time - that I would love work more than anything else. I am a work to live gal - I need balance.

That brings to mind the same sentiment found in asking, "Is it better to have loved and lost or never to have loved at all?" I am grateful with my experiences in love, however that love and the intensity of losing the love were about equal. If I had never loved at all, I'd never know what I was missing - which is good and bad, I suppose.



Jon said...

I know it's just a matter of opinion, but I think it really is better to have loved and lost. Think of it from the other perspective. It's true that those who never love don't know what they're missing. But the world tells them what they're missing everywhere. Stories, songs, poems, movies, holidays, etc. all devote SO MUCH attention to celebrating love, that the person who's never loved probably has a good idea of what they're missing.

stephanie said...

I was just talking about this the other day. Some friends of ours are getting divorces and it made me feel better about having never loved and lost. Although I s'poze that makes me into a person who will never grow?