Some of you have inquiring minds and have asked me why my once-daily posts, even twice-daily, have started dissipating into maybe twice-weekly posts.
And most of you who have asked hit the nail on the head when you surmised that something good must be going on in the romantical arena of my life.
I've been having too much fun, running off to Vegas to get married and then annulled. Because that's the only way you can do the fun stuff.
I kid.
But I really have been having a blast, going to the Brave premier, attending the Shakespeare Festival for the first time, seeing musicals, watching endless improv comedy performances, laughing my face off, cozying up at the drive in, hosting parties, shopping on the Vegas strip, driving on long road trips, crashing one of his gigs, attending baseball games, perusing a museum, cheering on a parade, meeting more family members in one day than I think even exist in my own family, talking into the wee hours of the morning night after night, and, well, the list goes on.
I have learned to treasure the times I have with someone who values my opinions, my ambitions, and who I am as a person as much as I value those things about him. I adore sharing and being shared with. My life is fabulous, truly, whether independently so or accompanied. But doesn't it put an extra spring in your step when you wake up and know that someone else remarkable wants to share some of their life with you?
That about sums up the past little while of my life. And I'm going to continue to embrace every moment.
This whole post made me smile, my friend. I'm glad you're so happy! You are wonderful and deserve every moment!
Good for you, just been going through a lot of the same myself it is awesome.
I fully endorse being MIA from a blog for this reason. When Emily gets out to Utah, my blogging will decrease as well :)
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