When is it ever appropriate for someone 65 + to unavoidably stand right inside the entrance to the locker room, facing innocent walkers-in, full-on nudey patootie, in a semi-squat
wiping her private parts and the rest of herself with huge paper towels while grunting? I argue
never. I am permanently scarred -
no one should
ever have to witness this. *shudder*
puke puke vomit
at any age
Larissa, thank you SO much for permanently scarring me by creating that delightful visual.
I had to share the horror - I am sorry, I just couldn't suffer alone...
I think it's time to start going to a different gym...
Shayla - this WAS a different gym than the tootsie roll wrapper incident. I guess a free show is what I get for wandering into the West Valley gym...
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