Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bathroom Eating

I was in the gym innocently entering the handicap stall so I could change, when there I see it on the floor by the toilet...
A tootsie roll wrapper!
WHO, for the love, tell me WHO eats while using a PUBLIC restroom? At the gym at that!


Vanessa Swenson said...

ew. You know what I saw once by a public toilet? A paper plate that had remnants of spaghetti sauce on it from a nice pasta lunch.
I gagged.

And I read every entry, even if I'm a defunct commenter. So you can feel that love, s'il te plaƮt.

Mena said...

I actually have several times in a bathroom. Sometimes when there's low blood sugar I'm in a location where I'm not allowed to eat, so I'll duck into a bathroom, wash hands and not touch ANYTHING, and then whip out the candy.

Larissa said...

Hmm....I understand the low blood sugar thing...kinda makes sense...but the thing is that I see this kind of thing ALL the time - even in the bathroom at work! We have a break room...anyway...sounds like even you think it is gross:-)

Jon said...

I remember for a 6th grade science project my friend proved that taste and smell are related. He would give a blindfolded subject something to eat/drink, and hold up something else to their nose. I remember one person thought the milk she was drinking was actually orange juice because he held an orange up to her nose. That's why I don't eat in the bathroom. EWWWWW!!!!!!

Katie said...

For the benefit of all of us tootsie roll eaters, can I propose maybe some earth friendly person stuck the wrapper in their pocket instead of throwing it out their car window and then it accidentally slipped out of their pocket while in the restroom. Maybe...?

Shayla said...

oh sick. I don't know what's worse, someone who works at my work (remember, microbiology) not washing their hands BEFORE and after going to the bathroom, or finding a wrapper on the floor. sick sick sick. I think I might die...ewwwww

ChelBelle said...

My favorite part of this story is the fact that the food in question was a tootsie roll! What a perfect bathroom snack. :)

Anonymous said...

I once heard a person eating chips in the stall next to me. Several of them. Ick.

Beth Benson said...

hahaha now hearing someone eat is much more disgusting than seeing a wrapper, i can imagine stuff falling out of pockets easily... and ps, your blog cracks me up sometimes. I love it :)

Larissa said...

I like scary movies - I like being freaked out....and this tootsie wrapper incident definitely freaks me out - I would like to think this person really was chowing down and I fully dismiss any theory that the wrapper gently cascaded to the floor after dislodging from a pocket..pft!!!!

Vanessa Swenson said...

my brother says, "and a tootsie roll, nonetheless." then my sister says, "maybe it helps, you know?"
