Thursday, November 1, 2012

Foot Panties

Foot Panties.  Does this make anyone cringe as much as it does me?

I'm seriously sitting here with my nose still wrinkled up and no comprehension as to why on earth you would willingly insert the name "panty" into a product for your foot.  If you watch the video, you can somewhat comprehend the purpose, but...seriously?!


S.R. Braddy said...

I'll admit I'm not exactly a footwear connoisseur, but THOSE look uncomfortable.

miss kristen said...

Um, when did they stop calling them 'no-show' socks? Because sock panties is just wrong. That's like Gretchen trying to make 'Fetch' happen.

Miss Megan said...

Yeaaah, I'm going to keep calling them socks. Or footies. "Foot panties" just sounds embarrassing. Next thing you know, people will call visors "head panties."

S.R. Braddy said...

Unless I'm mistaken, a "no-show" sock is just a really short sock. This sock does not have a heel, and thus more closely resembles underwear than a true sock.

Murph said...

I don’t know that I’d let my daughters where them just on name alone.

miss kristen said...
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miss kristen said...

Not true Stephen. I have a few pairs of no-show socks that look nothing like socks-they're weird and square looking.
But for argument's sake call 'em toe covers!!

j said...

"If you're not going to wear them on your seat, you might as well wear them on your feet."

Seems like that's the demographic they're marketing to.

j said...

Or "Like a thong, but for your foot", to really confuse people of my parents' generation who still call flip flops thongs.

Heidi said...

Dancers do wear Foot Undies that look like pink leopard boys whitey tighties. Crotch cover and everything. Just sayin'.

Larissa said...

Dancers also wear dance belts and leotards and all kinds of other things that we'd raise an eyebrow at if trying to be integrated into every-day attire. I actually do think the idea is kinda cute...a little lace peeking instead of a plain ole no-show sock...but...the name...and...the frivolity of it all...I can never see myself spending money on such a thing...and the NAME!!!

Aaron said...

Yikes. So wrong.

PS Did you feel that little tremor? Foot fetishists around the world just jumped for joy.

Anonymous said...

Um, when did they stop calling them 'no-show' socks? Because sock panties is just wrong. That's like Gretchen trying to make 'Fetch' happen.