Memorial Day weekend is perfect, isn't it?
My day started with a text from my future brother-in-law, "Congrats to Dad for winning his age group today! Heavenly Father also inspired Dad today and blessed us on this race. It was awesome!! He gave up his medal to a young handicapped man who was almost the last to finish...Britney and Mom waited to finish after him. Thank you!!" I am extremely proud of my family and blessed to be eternally attached to people with such kind hearts.
My father is a veteran. As are both of my uncles and my grandfather's. Whether someone is serving our country or fighting their own personal battles, I do take time to honor those who have gone on before us.
I also take time to enjoy grilling, ultimate frisbee games, and basking in the glow of all of the wonderful things life has to offer. Because the biggest honor we can give to a memory is to L-I-V-E.
I found myself saying throughout the day, to various people, "Such a perfect day, isn't it?!"
Then I sat back and thought about the day - I'd had three cancellations of plans, I'd gotten dog poo all over my new gym shoes while playing frisbee, someone left a red scuff/paint dig on my new car, and I did chores for the better part of the day.
But the sun roof was back. The tunes were flowing. My heart was happy because I was appreciating all of the little things that make life grand and even the somewhat funny and discouraging things that help us to more grand things.
Don't let a little poo on your shoe ruin your day:-)
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