Friday, December 4, 2009


Something made me laugh this morning. As glorious as the feeling of laughing is, I have to share what thought provoked the rush.

There is always that person who stands up during church, a movie, what-have-you, to walk somewhere they shouldn't be walking - behind a speaker, in front of a seated person, you get it. Perhaps the person is on the stand and stands up to walk 5 seats away. Have you noticed how they always walk hunched over?
Uhmm...helloooooo...I still see you! Hunch lower? Yoo-hooo....still see you! Maybe a little bend of the knees for more of a shuffle? Weird enough, I still see you!

Why don't we just walk upright with dignity and grace so as to not look like a deformed ape? Doesn't hunching just make the whole matter worse?

If hunching were equal to a cloak of invisibility, perhaps this would make sense. Instead, it just makes me laugh:-)


Eric said...

I think we still do it not because we think people won't see us, but because we think people will see that we are trying not to distract from whatever's going on. If we just walked straight across, we might be termed "arrogant" or some other nasty term...

Marianne & Clayton said...

Ya- I think of it as a "humble" way to walk. If I have to interrupt someone's movie, I want my hunched shoulders to be my formal apology. Kind of a visual "Sorry!". But it does look stupid.

Larissa said...

lol - I love it! Because in the act of trying NOT to distract, I think it becomes more distracting:-)

Jon said...

I've recently tried to stop my hunching behavior when I realized that every time I hunch, I also make a really goofy face. It's like I'm a cartoon or something.

Katie said...

On Sunday I had to take Mandy out into the hallway at church. I caught myself hunching, thought of you, chuckled a little, and straightened myself out. I don't know what it is about bending forward a couple inches that makes us think we're magically invisible! Thanks to you I've now found a new New Year's resolution :)