I did it! I ticked someone off with my blog....who would have thought that was possible? Lil ole me!
I received a comment to one of my posts: "That's funny, last I checked women are real people and not prizes that will be claimed when deemed valuable. No thank you, I am not up for auction."
I don't recall blogging anything that referenced being for sale, winning prizes, being Barbie Doll's, or objectifying men or women. Perhaps it was my reference to the great Lord of the Rings quote, "If you want him come and claim him." Did you know that quote originated with Shakespeare? Anyway, I think this says that if you want something, you will go after it, not that it is sitting around just waiting for you. Frodo, the character this is regarding, was off on a million adventures, trying to accomplish glorious feats - anyone who wanted him would have to fight long and hard to "claim him."
Regardless, this comment provoked further deep thought than my original very clever placement of that quote. Unfortunately, sometimes my deep thoughts are like unto those of the genius Jack Handey, who says things like, "If God dwells inside us like some people say, I sure hope He likes enchiladas, because that's what He's getting."
Never you mind that aside, back to my thoughts.
We all need to live our lives to the fullest every day and in every way. No waiting around. I see how my ice cream analogy and "He's just not that into you" entry can be misinterpreted as such. I mean, ice cream can't actually get up from the freezer and go have fun - it is forced to wait for someone to come partake. This little prize doesn't sit around - oh no! I am all over the place, so the guy who wants to claim me is going to have to come running full-speed, much like the evil guys chasing Frodo.
Is the idea of being a prize to be won exhilarating to anyone else? I think it sounds magnificent! All those mega-hunks working their very hardest just to win me over? Man, if life could be so grand!
Larissa, I hate to crash your party.. but it's not talking about Aragorn. She's talking about Frodo. :D Geez, I'm a nerd.
Celeste - it says Frodo...I don't know what you were reading? ;-)
Oh, wow! My bad! Maybe my computer has a glitch or something...
What is that quote from Hitch? something like, "no girl wakes up int he morning and thinks to herself, 'I hope I don't get swept off my feet today.'"
Awesome movie references. All I can think of is Jasmine saying, "I am NOT a prize to be won!", flipping her hair back as she turns around and stalks off to her room. I love Disney. And Hitch. And LotR. Awesome post.
Way to go on writing a controversial blog entry! Thanks for sharing!
mmmm mmmm mmmm! SO many delicious comments!
I L-O-V-E that line from Hitch.
I understand Jasmine's gripe too, I guess. I wouldn't want to be an object, but I would want to be worked very very hard for - to be "won" so-to-speak. You are always hearing people say, "Well, he/she won me over..."
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