Thursday, April 8, 2010

Little Debbie

Dear Little Debbie,
Why did you do it? Why did you take away something I love so much just as I am able to once again partake of its goodness? The world is so unjust. No longer will this sweet lemon-y treat caress my lips and hips. If I had only known you would rip them from my world...


Marianne & Clayton said...

Ok, swear words. I love any baked lemon anything. How sad to learn of something existing only to learn of it's demise. Boo.

Trisha said...


WW makes a 1 point lemon cake. You should try it.

Larissa said...

Trisha - I have tried it...hoping upon every hope that it would be somewhere close...and it just couldn't hold a candle to my Little Debbie:-(