Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Blind Date

You know how some people get wise on you, and always think they are funny when you say, "I'm going on a blind date," and they say, "Is he really blind?"

What do you say when he really is blind?
"YES!" (then watch the interrogation team pause awkwardly)
He was only blind in one eye, but yeah...totally affirmative.

How many of you can say you've been on a true "blind date?" :-)


Tanisha said...

i can honestly say..never. but i've been on a date where i wish i was blind. harsh.

Shayla said...

never. But my friend went on a blind date with a blind man! that's pretty impressive. How was the blind date anyway?

Beth Benson said...

ooo ooo pick me! i've been on one haha

Anna said...

how was it??

Larissa said...

He's a good guy - fun, handsome, treats a gal right, and all that, just not a right match for me:-)