Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Mystery Chunk

*Warning - Not for the easily nauseated*

As I was putting curlers in my hair on Sunday to get ready for church, I noticed something strange upon my finger.  I examined.  Blood.  Dripping off my finger.  What?  There was this deep chunk of skin just hanging and the blood wouldn't stop.  The first photo is about ten minutes after I had been nursing it and the second was a couple of hours later.

I literally have no idea what happened.  It didn't even hurt.  Weird, right?  I know it isn't large, but it was deep.

Thanks to Neosporin, the wound is healing over nicely and non-infected, but it is the strangest thing to see a rice-grain sized chunk out of my finger.


Shelli said...

It's easy to catch your hand on something and not realize it, I think. Try breaking your foot and not having a CLUE as to how you did it...


Miss Megan said...

I have bruises up and down my body and no clear idea how they all got there. Par for the course!

Aaron said...

The work of a diminutive sniper?