Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Oh February Tree, Oh February Tree...

I disgust myself.
My "January Tree," which was once a "Christmas Tree," is still displaying itself and all its glory in my front room.

*update* - I took down the tree February 2 in celebration of Ground Hog's day and the fact that I had help :-)


Brent & Andrea said...

No biggie... we had our live tree up until February last year. It was the best tree ever and didn't drop a needle. This year we weren't so lucky.

Eric said...

Oh Larissa. You're not disgusting at all, and neither is a tree in your house - a fake one at that! I think it's cool.

Quinn said...

One year we had a March tree, so keep at it.

Krissy said...

I think you should make it a goal to leave it up year round...like some people's Christmas lights.

Shayla said...

bahahaha. Just take off the ornaments and replace them with hearts. that's what I used to do with my fir wreath on my front door every year. :)

Jon said...

I bet Conor loves that it's still up.