Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Adult Braces: Rubber Band Replacement

Getting your rubber bands replaced at adjustments or because your eating adventures dyed the clear bands orange *cough* Buffalo Wings in Buffalo, NY and Skyline Coney Dogs in Ohio *cough* feels as if someone is trying to rip your teeth out of your face.

I suppose it isn't really so painful as it is disarming.  There is a lot of pressure that truly does feel as if they are trying to pull your teeth, but I think it is the fear of the unknown that makes it even more weird than the physical aspect.  You don't know what's going on - you can't see anything, you've never been through this before.  All you know is...*ow.*  You make a few weird faces and in sixty seconds it is all over.  The pain isn't even bad enough to need ibuprofen and only lasts for the moment that tooth is worked on.

Then you leave the office with beautiful, clear rubberbands and teeth on their way to perfection.  I'll take that deal any day.

Adult Braces: Making the Decision
Adult Braces: Getting Spacers aka The Prep Work
Adult Braces: Getting Braces On
Adult Braces: Learning to Eat with Braces
Adult Braces: My First Adjustment
Adult Braces: Rubber Band Replacement (the first few)
Adult Braces: My Second Adjustment
Adult Braces: My Third Adjustment


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