Thursday, February 11, 2010

Grumpy Pants

I have been wearing my grumpy pants for 4 days in a row now - technically 4.5. I keep trying to get out of my funk, as I know attitude is a decision most of the time, but I can't! These grumpy pants are not coming off! I've gotten myself so stressed about so many things and work is beyond stressful and chaotic - we are talking insane. I use all of my stress-management capabilities during work, so by the time 5 o'clock rolls around, I can't handle anything else. Then I have the stress of knowing I have to work out hard every day (if I didn't, I'd be more stressed), over-committing my schedule, doing one thing when I'd rather be doing something else, having to cook all my meals, knowing I won't be able to sleep because I am so stressed then being more stressed the next day because of the lack of sleep....well, you get the picture. I'm cracking. I'm so fried mentally I can't even think of a way to climb out of this hole. I know we've all been there and that now is just my turn, but I really really don't like my grumpy pants! They just don't fit me well.


Jon said...

I hope you have Monday off for Presidents day. A day off is just what you need. Or if not, at least the weekend is close, right?

Eric said...

Larissa -

You rock.

I hope you don't stay grumpy that long - though, I can't imagine you being grumpy. Your grumpy is probably just not having a huge smile on your face compared to others'. Hang in there! :)